Giuseppe Guglielmucci

My Philosophical Goal

What Is a Master's Thesis For?

The discussion of my thesis for a Master's degree in philosophy didn't go as I expected it to be, nonetheless it was a constructive moment.

The twelve months I spent thinking, researching and writing was the most difficult period of my study life, since kindergarten.

The beautiful news is that this summer my high school philosophy teacher categorized a physical copy of that thesis in the school library.

Until this moment, this writing was causing me sorrow because I thought I would forever be judged by its content. Now I realized that the ultimate objective is totally different: inspire, inspire people to study and to think for themselves.

In the end, our personal journey lead to unexpected crossroads and we need to make choices - what I am doing to do in this situation?


Reminder to myself: these events are just spots, individual pieces of a bigger path of the human thinking. Historical a priori.1 Be humble and learn through the way.

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  1. Recommended reading: The Archaeology of Knowledge by Michel Foucault.↩

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